“From a female perspective, I’d like to thank Mr. Pari personally for taking on a subject not only commonly misunderstood, but highly dispelled. …through his research, we can support the wide spectrum of trauma responses any victims may have. Thanks again!”
“If I could provide a rating of phenomenal, I would. His presentation, his research, and his passion really show when he is talking about this topic. It is rare to find a male provider who has such empathy and ability to provide these types of services to women who have experienced sexual assault. I was so impressed by him. Thank you so much for having him present here. ”
“This presentation was FANTASTIC!!! I was unfamiliar with Andrew Pari and his work, and I am SO glad I attended this training. Because of this session, I now plan to bring Andrew out to provide trainings for our SARTs. The topic of victim arousal is INCREDIBLY important, yet I have never seen a session or training about this topic at a conference (I’ve been to a lot of conferences). I am really glad that EVAWI put this session on the agenda and frankly, I think it should be a regularly-occuring session because everyone involved in victim response needs to learn about this issue.
This was one of the best classes at the seminar. Highly would recommend this instructor and class again!”
“Great session. This lecture has probably been the MOST influential of the conference for me. It would be interesting to hear more case studies of victims. And possibly to discuss religious and culture factors that may influence a survivor’s reluctancy to come forward after experiencing arousal in an assault. But alas, there is only so much time in a day! Again, thank you and thank you for this powerful presentation!”
“Wonderful presentation that enlightened me on how to better work with my sexual assault survivors.”
“This topic was helpful, as a victim advocate, to understand the psychological and mental aspect of arousal during the assault.”
“I think this is such an important topic- it really resonated with me to ask the victims I work with as this is such a huge source of shame and a reason people don’t come forward.”
“The idea that arousal/orgasm as an involuntarily physiological and evolutionary reaction was mind-blowing. This will be incredibly beneficial to address in future trainings as this is a previously nondiscussed barrier to reporting and with understanding may come the pursuit of help and recovery. Hats off to the presenter!”
“This helped me as an advocate to be able to better help victims who think because they became aroused by what had happened to them that it wasnt rape. That its just a physical reaponse of the human body and because someone does not struggle it is the response of the psychological part when a person goes into fight, flight, or freeze. Very informative and will help me as an advocate when I come across this and have to explain this to a victim.”
“He is very knowledgeable about what is happening with these victims. So much research and knowledge are differently recognized when he speaks.”
“The informative training that this presenter presented was great. Loved his knowledge about the subject. Very clear & understandable ”
“I thought this was absolutely fascinating. The discussion was great and I thought Andrew was great. I would love to go to another forum like this.”
“This was an amazing seminar! I had no idea about sexual assault and arousal. I’m looking forward to seeing more research & open discussion on this in the future. This will be a culture change that needs to take place.”